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MLA Style: Basics

This guide is meant to be a brief introduction to MLA and to provide general formatting and citation guidelines for this manual of style.

Film & YouTube


General Format:

"Title of Video." YouTube, uploaded by Username, Date, URL (without the http://).


AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. "Title of Video." YouTube, uploaded by Username, Date, URL (without the http://).

For Example:

"Find Databases." YouTube, uploaded by shapirolibrary, 19 July 2016,




General Format:

Title of Film. Directed by FirstName LastName, performances by FirstName LastName, FirstName LastName, and FirstName LastName, Film Studio, Year.


LastName, FirstName, director. Title of Film. Film Studio, Year.


LastName, FirstName, director. Title of Film. Year of Original Release. Performance by FirstName LastName, director's cut, Film Studio, Year.


LastName, FirstName, performer. Title of Film. Film Studio, Year.

For Example:

Jackson, Peter, director. The Lord of the Rings The Return of the King. 2003. Performances by Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, and Viggo Mortensen, director's cut, New Line Cinema, 2004.


Watson, Emma, performer. Beauty and the Beast. Walt Disney Pictures, 2017. 


Casablanca. Directed by Michael Curtiz, performances by Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, and Paul Henreid. Warner Bros., 1942.


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